Meanwhile Ive found out that the mic in fact works in-game if I use it with the 3. Youd have to get some kind of Y cable possibly to make it work. Use Device Manager to scan for hardware changes. So the only hiccup is if you have an older headset where the mic and headphones are separate cables, then that wont work on the MBP anymore. Updating an audio driver is an easy task to fix the Logitech g430 mic not working issue on the device.

Do not just restart perform a complete system shutdown and then turn back on, as this will help clear the memory in the USB ports. Once you are done, re-connect the microphone again and then check if the issue is solved or not. Why is my Logitech USB headset not working If you are experiencing issues using your USB headset, try the following: Unplug the headset from the PC’s USB port and reboot the computer. I agree it not a very profound answer but they seem to imply that it does not work with the intel macs. the mic is not working but my headfones work to give me output. On the Microphone tab, ensure that Microphone access for this device is on. Please contact your System manufacturer for help on this regard. Please test the device on a different Macintosh Operating System to check if the device is working since the device may not workd as expected with the new Macintosh 10.4x Intel Operating System.
The Logitech Premium USB Headset 250 themselves do not need drivers to function however, the USB device plugged into USB ports runs with the built in or the native drivers of the Operating System in order for the device to work. I understand that the Logitech Premium USB Headset 250 is not working on Macintosh 10.4x Intel Operating System.

Thank you for your recent inquiry about your PC Headsets and Microphones.
How do I update my microphone driver Check for and install a new driver in Device Manager. Your computer’s operating system automatically recognizes the device. Press the Power button on the microphone to power on the device. That is odd, look at the reply I got from Logitech: Plug the USB connector from your Logitech mic into any open USB port on your computer.